Vittnen: Israel sköt mot obeväpnade civila


u börjar en långsam men strid ström vittnesmål från konvojdeltagare komma in, och Israels lögner spricker i sömmarna.

Huwaida Arrif, amerikansk aktivist på CNN:


"I Saw them attacking the Mavi Marmara which is the turkish ship
with most passengers on it, they started firing something and i heard some explosions."

"They threw concussion grenades and were firing some pellets
on us when they came onboard. We kept repeating to them ´we´re unarmed, dont hurt anybody´but they were pretty violent... They smashed my head into the ground then cuffed me and put a bag over my head" They were extremely violent although we over and over again said ´we are unarmed civilians carrying aid to Gaza... I hear them claimin that they just wanted to check our cargo, but we had our cargo checked at each port we departed from. We hired special security in addition to the port authorities confirming that we had nothing onboard that would constitu any kind of threat to Israel".

En ledamot från det israeliska parlamentet, Knesset:

Hanin Zoabi, a member of the Israeli parliament, was on board the "Miva Marmara," the ship that was the scene of the confrontation between activists and Israeli soldiers. The Israeli Navy fired on the ships five minutes before commandos descended from ropes that dangled from helicopters, Zoabi said during a news conference in Nazareth, Israel. She said passengers on board the ship were unarmed.

Två tyska parlamentsledamöter och en före detta:

Three visibly shaken Germans who experienced at first hand a deadly raid by the Israeli military on an aid flotilla bound for Gaza denied on Tuesday that anyone on board was armed.

"The Israeli government justifies the raid because they were attacked. This is absolutely not the case," former member of parliament Norman Paech, 72, wrapped in a blue blanket, told reporters in Berlin.

"This was not an act of self-defence."


His comments were backed up by two others on board the convoy when it was raided at dawn on Monday in international waters, MPs Inge Hoeger, 59, and Annette Groth, 56.

Den turkiska aktivisten Nulifer Cetin:

"The operation started immediately with firing. First it was warning shots, but when the Mavi Marmara wouldn’t stop these warnings turned into an attack," she said.

"There were sound and smoke bombs and later they used gas bombs. Following the bombings they started to come on board from helicopters."

Edward Peck, före detta amerikansk FN-ambassadör:

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  • homo politicus säger:

    Låt bli att skräpa ner mitt kommentarsfält med israelisk militärpropaganda tack!

    2010-06-02 | 17:16:29
  • Johannes Forsblom säger:

    Jag tror att du inte är ensam om att känna dig klämd mellan Israel- och palestinavänner.

    Det finns många kristna som över hela världen kämpar för fred mellan Israel och Palestina. Och det handlar inte om att ta ställning för den ena eller den andra parten i en slags svart/vit konflikt.

    Det enda som kan bära frukt är att motståndarna börjar att tala med varandra.

    Läs mer om varför Kyrkornas världsråd just nu har en fredsmanifestation i Israel och Palestina här:

    2010-06-02 | 21:12:09
  • homopoliticus säger:

    Ja med tanke på att den palestinska kristna minoriteten far lika illa som övriga palestinier så är det både lämpligt och välkommet att kristna grupper engagerar sig i frågan också. Men jag känner mig inte särskilt klämd för tillfället, bara heligt förbannad.

    2010-06-02 | 21:21:47

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